
[Unit 4] 주의해야 할 수동태 본문

영문법/[3] 수동태

[Unit 4] 주의해야 할 수동태

Seokan 2019. 3. 29. 09:03


4.1 자동사 → 수동태 (X)

occur + O 일어나다
happen + O 일어나다
take place + O 일어나다
emerge + O 나타나다
appear + O 나타나다
disappear + O 사라지다
vanish + O 사라지다
exist + O 존재하다
last + O 지속하다
originate + O 시작되다
die + O 죽다
arrive + O 도착하다
live + O 살다
work + O 일하다
become + O 되다
remain + O 남다
result + O 발생하다
expire + O 만기가 되다
consist of + O 구성되다
grow + O 성장하다

He retired six months before his contract was expired. (X)
→ He retired six months before his contract expired. (O)
그는 계약이 만료되기 6개월 전에 그만 두었다. 수동태가 아닌 현재 완료 대신 사용

Winter is gone.
= Winter has gone.
겨울이 갔다.

4.2 타동사 → 수동태 (X)

have 소유하다
~을 가지고 있다.
resemble ~를 닮다
become ~와 어울리다
cost 비용이 ~들다

She has a pretty doll.
→ A pretty doll is had by her. (X)
그녀는 귀여운 인형을 가지고 있다.

She resembles her mother.
→ Her mother is resembled by her. (X)
그녀는 그녀의 엄마와 닮았다.

4.3 rob vs steal 의 수동태

The robber robbed the traveler of his money.
→ The traveler was robbed of his money by robber.

The robber stole his money from the traveler.
→ His money was stolen from the traveler by robber.

4.4 자V + 전치사의 수동태

depend (up)on 의존하다
rely (up)on 의존하다
ask for 요청하다
account for 설명하다
object to 반대하다
call on 방문하다
speak to ~와 이야기를 하다
talk to ~에게 말을 걸다
~을 꾸짖다
send for ~을 부르러 사람을 보내다
look after 돌보다
look into 조사하다
look at ~을 (자세히) 살피다
laugh at 비웃다
run over 차가 사람을 치다
deal with 다루다

They laughed at him.
→ He was laughed by them. (X)
→ He was laughed at by them. (O)
그들은 그를 비웃었다.

4.5 자V + 부사 + 전치사의 수동태

look up to 존경하다 (= respect)
look down (up)on 경멸하다 (= despise)
put up with 참다
put up at 숙박하다 (= stay at, lodge at)
fall back (up)on ~을 신뢰하다 (= depend on)
speak ill of 헐뜯다
speak well (highly) of 칭찬하다
keep up with ~와 보조를 맞추다
do away with 제거하다 (= get rid of)
catch up with 따라잡다
look forward to 갈망하다

They looked up to the doctor.
→ The doctor was looked up to by them.
그들은 그 의사를 존경했다.

He speaks well of her.
→ She is well spoken of by him.
그는 그녀를 칭찬한다. speak ill(well, highly) of ~

speak ill of ~
→ be ill spoken of
~을 나쁘게 말하다
speak well of ~
→ be well spoken of
~을 칭찬하다
speak highly of ~
→ be highly spoken of
~을 칭찬하다

4.6 타V + 명사 + 전치사의 수동태

take care of 돌보다
take notice of 주목하다
take advantage of 이용하다
pay attention to 주의를 기울이다
make use of 이용하다
make a pool of 놀리다
find fault with ~의 흠을 찾다
catch sight of 찾아내다
lay emphasis on 중점을 두다
get rid of 제거하다 (= do away with)

She took good care of the baby.
→ The baby was taken good care of by her.
Good care was taken of the baby by her.
그녀를 아기를 잘 돌보았다.

They paid no attention to my words.
→ My words were paid no attention to by them.
No attention was paid to my words by them.
그들은 내 말에 주목하지 않았다.

4.7 명령문의 수동태

긍정 명령문
Let + O + be p.p

Keep my advice in mind.
Let my advice be kept in mind.
내 충고를 명심해라.

Don`t let + O + be p.p
Let + O + not + be p.p

Don`t open the window.
→ Don`t let the window be opened. (O)
Let the window be not opened. (X)
Let the window not be opened. (O)
창문을 열지 마라.

4.8 의문문의 수동태

  1. 목적어 주어 자리로 이동
  2. 수동태 변환
  3. 다시 의문문으로 변환

4.8.1 의문사가 없는 의문문

Did Miss Lee invite you?
→ You were invited by Miss Lee.
Were you invited by Miss Lee?
이 양이 당신을 초대했나요?

4.8.2 의문사가 있는 의문문

4.8.2.a 의문사 → 목적어

What did she do?
→ What was done by her?
그녀는 무엇을 했니?

4.8.2.b 의문사 → 주어

Who broke the window?
→ The window was broekn by whom.
→ By whom was the window broken?
→ Who(m) was the window broken by? 보통은 whom보다 who를 쓴다
누가 창문을 깼나요?

4.9 부정주어의 수동태

부정주어부정주어의 수동태
Nothing ~
No one ~
Nobody ~
be + not + p.p + by +anything.
No one ~ everNever ~ by + anyone

Nobody likes her.
→ She is not liked by anybody. (O)
→ She is liked by nobody. (X)
아무도 그녀를 좋아하지 않는다.

Nothing can make him laugh.
→ He cannot be made to laugh by anything. (O)
→ He can be made to laugh by nothing. (X)
그 어떤 것도 그를 웃게 할 수는 없다.

No one has ever solved the problem.
→ The problem has never been solved by anyone. (O)
→ The problem has ever been solved by no one. (X)
아무도 그 문제를 풀지 못했다.

4.10 동작 수동태, 상태 수동태

4.10.1 동작 수동태

문장 구조뉘앙스
+ p.p~되어 있다어떠한 상태

My office gets painted every year.
→ I paint my office every year.
내 사무실은 매년 페인트칠이 된다.

4.10.2 상태 수동태

문장 구조뉘앙스
+ p.p~하게 되다동작

My office is painted green.
→ I have painted my office green.
내 사무실은 녹색으로 칠해져 있다.

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