
[Unit 8] 과거 완료 본문

영문법/[2] 시제

[Unit 8] 과거 완료

Seokan 2019. 3. 10. 22:28


8.1 과거 완료
        8.1.1 완료
        8.1.2 경험
        8.1.3 계속
        8.1.4 결과
8.2 대과거
8.3 (~하자마자)의 의미를 갖고 있는 관용 표현
[+] had p.p 빈칸 문제는 문맥으로 판단
[+] S + had p.p … + before / until / by / by the time + 과거

8.1 과거 완료

8.1.1 완료

When I returned home, my wife had just finished cooking dinner.
내가 집에 돌아 왔을 때, 아내는 막 저녁시사 준비를 끝냈다.

8.1.2 경험

I recognized him well because I had often seen him before.
나는 그를 잘 알아보았다. 왜냐하면 그 이전에 종종 그를 봤기 때문에.

8.1.3 계속

He had lived there for ten years when his father died.
그의 아버지가 돌아가셨을 때, 그는 10년 동안 거기서 살아오고 있었다.

8.1.4 결과

He had lost his bag and had to borrow his friend’s uniform.
그는 (대과거에) 가방을 잃어버려서 (과거 시점에) 그의 친구의 유니폼을 빌려야 했었다.

8.2 대과거

He lost the purse his girl had given him as a birthday present.
그는 애인이 생일선물로 주었던 그 지갑을 잃어버렸다.

He died ten years ago, and his wife had died ten months before.
그는 10년 전에 죽었고, 그의 아내는 (그보다) 10달 전에 죽었다.

I went out after I had finished my work. (대과거)
일을 끝낸 후에 밖으로 나갔다.

She had been a teacher before she left for America. (과거완료)
그녀는 미국으로 떠나기 전까지 교사였다.

8.3 (~하자마자)의 의미를 갖고 있는 관용 표현

On seeing her, he began to run away.
= As soon as he saw her, he began to run away.
= He had hardly(scarcely) seen her when(before) he began to run away.
= He had no sooner seen her than he began to run away.
= Hardly(Scarcely) had he seen her when(before) he began to run away.
= No sooner had he seen her than he began to run away.

[+] had p.p 빈칸 문제는 문맥으로 판단

The road had been very muddy because it rained all night. (X)
→ The road was very muddy because it had rained all night. (O)
밤사이에 비가 내렸기 때문에 도로가 질퍽했다.

[+] S + had p.p … + before / until / by / by the time + 과거

She has used the car for two years before it broke down. (X)
→ She had used the car for two years before it broke down. (O)

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